Sep 27, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz

Lutheran Church Of The Cross Rummage Sale Draws Huge Crowds

The Lutheran Church of the Cross kicked off their 59th annual fall rummage sale this morning. All proceeds from the sale benefit charitable organizations and everything at the sale has been donated by different community groups and community members.

The famous rummage sale lived up to expectations as hundreds of people waited at the doors in the hope of finding a great deal. The earliest of those people arrived at 5:30 AM, a full two hours before the sale began. For volunteers helping at the rummage sale, the shoppers are more like friends or family to them.

“We call them our guests, not our shoppers because they’re our guests, and they help us with reaching out to people in need; it’s fun to see them it’s like old friends because many of them are regular attenders, so I recognize them as I’m welcoming them by the bag area,” said Carolyn Blanck, Chair of Lutheran Church of the Cross Rummage Sale.

The Lutheran Church of the Cross will be hosting their spring rummage sale event during the last weekend in April of 2020.

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