Dec 18, 2017 | By: Clayton Castle

Local Celebrities Wrapping Gifts For A Good Cause

The holidays are upon us, which means the shopping malls are packed with shoppers getting in the holiday spirit. At the Westgate Mall in Brainerd, the Brainerd Community Action has once again set up shop to help with gift-wrapping, with a little twist this year.

One of the celebrities participating is Central Lakes College President Hara Charlier, who came out to give back to the organization that does so much for the community.

The competition features a wide variety of celebrities and gift wrapping expertise.

While admitting that gift-wrapping is not her forte, President Charlier says she learned a lot about the skill and is ready to tackle her own holiday gift-wrapping.

However, in the end, there’s more to her presence than just the competition. It’s also about giving back.

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