Jan 26, 2021 | By: Chris Burns

Line 3 Opponents Hoping for Similar Result to Keystone XL Pipeline

Self-proclaimed “Water Protectors” are insisting President Joe Biden dish out a similar decision on Line 3 after canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline in Nebraska.

In a release from Honor the Earth, they planned a protest they call “Salsa for the Waters Tuesday.” This is a weekly gathering at the Mexican restaurant across from Enbridge’s Park Rapids office. Along with their dancing, they want President Biden to cancel Enbridge’s Line 3 Construction.

Winona LaDuke, executive director of Honor the Earth, says, “We hope President Biden will nullify the US Army Corps of Engineers permit for what I like to call ‘the pandemic pipeline…'”

The US Army Corps of Engineers gave Enbridge Energy the federal permit needed to construct back on November 24th, 2020. Since then, Enbridge has gotten all of the remaining permits needed to construct the pipeline. They broke ground on November 30th, 2020, beginning their construction on the 337 miles of pipeline needed through the state.

So far, 57 people have been arrested protesting against Line 3.

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