Oct 10, 2020 | By: Lakeland News

Legislative Debates on Lakeland PBS Wrap Up with Look at District 10

Our state legislative debates concluded Friday night on Lakeland PBS with a look at District 10. Our debates this year are being done using the Zoom platform with candidates participating remotely.

There were three debates tonight starting at 7 PM, where DFL candidate Gaylene Spolarich and Republican Representative Dale Lueck are vying for the House District 10B seat. When the candidates were asked what the top three issues are within the district, answers varied.

Our second debate was for the Senate 10 race, where incumbent Republican Senator Carrie Ruud faced DFL challenger Steve Samuelson. The two met tonight where they discussed various topics, including mental health.

Our third debate tonight was for the two candidates seeking to win the House District 10A seat. Incumbent Republican Representative Josh Heintzeman and DFLer Dale Menk discussed their views on the affordable housing issue that the district faces.

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