Aug 5, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz

Lakes Area Music Festival Performs On Gull Lake

Every summer in Central Minnesota, talented musicians and orchestras from around the world come to perform for the Lakes Area Music Festival. Usually, the performances take place in an auditorium, but today, five musical groups switched things up by performing on docks. Lake Shore community members took their pontoons out on Gull Lake to enjoy the music while out on the water. The switch of scenery is both relaxing and enjoyable for the musicians.

“There isn’t as much pressure, as when you’re in the symphony hall – it’s much more easy-going, people are cheering you on and the scenery keeps you relaxed, which is fantastic,” said New Orleans musician Paul Macres.

“This season is our 11th season of the Lakes Area Music Festival and we’re bringing 187 artists from around the world to the Lakes Area for about a month, the musicians in my boat were talking about how it’s just something totally different and something they can do here in Brainerd,” said Lakes Area Music Festival Artistic and Executive Director Scott Lykins.

The Lakes Area Music Festival will have different performances taking place in the Brainerd Lakes Area until August 25th.

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