Jun 30, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Lady Slipper Scenic Byway Opens New Sites


There is a new way for people to appreciate Minnesota’s state flower. The Lady Slipper Scenic Byway celebrated the opening of new interpretive sites along Highway 10 that will allow travelers to view the lady slippers up close.

A crowd of people gathered at the new rest area sites and scenic boardwalk along the byway to celebrate the grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The new sites allow travelers to stop and enjoy the flowers and learn about their historical value through interpretive plaques. The sites also have scenic value that encourage people to get out of their cars and look around.

The opening ceremony gave people a chance to appreciate the pink and white flowers along the new boardwalk, but the Lady Slipper Scenic Byway Board hopes the new sites will attract more visitors from all over the country. The interpretive sites were constructed through a cooperative effort between the Lady Slipper Scenic Byway, Beltrami County, and the Chippewa National Forest.

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