Aug 7, 2019 | By: AJ Feldman

Kyle Fodness Hired As Bemidji Girls Tennis Head Coach

The Bemidji girls tennis team didn’t have to look far for their next head coach after Mark Fodness retired as today his son Kyle Fodness was hired to take over the program.

Fodness is a 2012 Bemidji High School graduate. Since 2015, he’s been the middle school tennis coach in Bemidji for both the boys and the girls. He also runs the Bemidji summer tennis program.

Fodness says he’s very familiar with his incoming players and Lumberjack tennis and couldn’t be happier with the environment and team he’s taking over.

“I have a great opportunity to walk into exactly the type of program I’d like to have,” says Fodness. “It’s based on positivity, being very competitive. I’m going to be very positive on the courts, communicate very well. We’re going to try to be the best in everything we do, win every match we have, but also have a great fall experience in school.”

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