Jul 3, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab

Keep Your Pets Safe This Fourth Of July

People who want to keep their pets safe and calm should avoid taking their furry friends outside during fourth of July festivities.

If you plan on leaving your pet at home make sure they’re comfortable and in a safe, secure area with their favorite toy or crate.

An associate veterinarian at Bemidji veterinary hospital says distracting your pet while fireworks are going off is a good way to help decrease anxiety levels.

“Playing with their favorite toy, giving them treats, a lot of positive re-enforcement,” Lauren Alsaker, an associate veterinarian for the Bemidji Veterinary Hospital said. “Sometimes that’s not enough for pets, thunder shirts are a good idea, putting cotton balls in the ears of the pets to try and decrease the amount of noise coming in is a good idea.”Jul

If your pet is still sensitive to loud noises, ask your veterinarian about anti-anxiety assistive medication.

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