Jul 12, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz

K9 Team Instrumental In Arrest Of Convicted Felon In Beltrami County

Beltrami County Deputy Kyle Nohre and his K9 partner Mac played an important role in apprehending a male party that fled from his vehicle into the woods upon a traffic stop on a vehicle.

On July 1st, 2019, Beltrami County 911 Communications Center received a report of gunshots outside a residence in the 800 block of Porcupine Rd. Southeast in Ten Lakes Township. Officers from the Leech Lake Tribal Police Department arrived in the area first and conducted the traffic stop.

When deputies from the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office responded to the area later, they found numerous firearms in the vehicle and they also learned that the subject was a person of interest in a crime of violence that had recently occurred in Cass County.

Deputy Kyle Nohre and his K9 partner Mac then arrived on the scene. K9 Mac tracked for approximately 200 yards through a yard, into the woods again, to a location where the subject was hiding. K9 Mac then apprehended subject and assisted Deputy Nohre and Leech Lake Tribal Officers into safely taking the subject into custody.

The subject arrested was identified as Floyd R. Desjarlais, age 31, of Cass Lake, MN. From the initial shots fired incident investigation a total of 5 people were taken into custody.

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