Dec 28, 2024 | By: Miles Walker

In Focus: St. Francis Community Chorale’s Annual Christmas Concert in Little Falls

Music enthusiasts got to take in the St. Francis Community Chorale’s annual Christmas concert earlier this month in Little Falls. Accompanied by the St. Francis Youth Choir, Brass Ensemble, and Orchestra, the chorale performed a collection of Christmas classics for those in attendance.

Music has been a part of St. Francis Community Chorale Director Barbara Stumpf’s life since she was three years old. While she had no initial intention of becoming the chorale’s director upon moving to Little Falls, she wanted to sing and says she knew what music can do for others.

“Well, there’s scientifically based reasons as well,” said Stumpf. “There have been articles where they say that people that sing together, their heartbeats sink. There has been some medical journals that talk about that as well. I think it gives everyone that sense of community.”

The chorale, now a year away from its 20th anniversary, continues to have a lasting effect on those that stop by and envelop themselves in the music.

“People look forward to it,” said Vicki Spofford, an accompanist with the St. Francis Community Chorale. “We almost need two concerts now. It’s a highlight and we don’t charge for the concerts. We have donations.”

Stumpf stated, “They really listen. You probably saw we’re running out of room to put everybody and had to put up extra chairs and squash extra people in.”

People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join.

“We have people in the group who don’t even read music. They just learn by ear,” explained Stumpf. “Just want to be very, very welcoming and give everyone the opportunity to sing. And we do have folks that are multi-talented, like the one gentleman who was in the brass then he had to run back and sing, then he had to run over and play brass again.”

And with the chorale having people from all walks of life and with different levels of musical knowledge, seeing everything come together for the annual Christmas concert is all the more special for the performers as they aim to touch the hearts of the Little Falls community.

“I hope they’ll go out and show some kindness and love to other people and share how they were touched by the music,” Spofford said. “Music touches your heart, doesn’t it? It touches deeply inside.

“For us, it’s a ministry, really, something that we as a group can give to the community,” added Stumpf.

The St. Francis Community Chorale will perform once again at the St. Francis Music Center in Little Falls this upcoming spring.

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