Jan 1, 2023 | By: Justin Othoudt

In Focus: Grand Rapids Art Center Features Performance Art as 2-D Images

Throughout the month of December in Grand Rapids, the MacRostie Art Center’s Giinawind Creative Space showcased the work of MacRostie Art Center Outreach & Artist Engagement Samsoche Sampson, whose acrylic paintings depict performance art.

Sampson explained that his experience as a performer inspired his acrylic paintings.

“It’s a reflection of performances that I’ve done throughout the years, and my boss, the director here, asked, ‘Would you like to do a show?’ explained Sampson. “And I was like, ‘Yeah, I’ll do a show.'”

After three months, a full display of artwork was created consisting of two pieces from Sampson’s time in college, with the remaining six paintings created for the exhibit.

“It all came together really well, and now they’re kinda taking on a life of their own,” said Sampson. “They’re kinda, like keeping me busy, I have to keep up with people wanting to order prints or commission new pieces now, so it’s pretty exciting.”

The works on display showcase a number of different performances from a variety of cultures, all meant to convey movement in only two dimensions.

“It was kind of an unintended consequence, but I really like that it communicated the dance and the energy of each of the dance styles that are depicted,” explained Sampson.

With the display coming to an end, Sampson described how it felt hearing a positive reception for his work.

“It’s really cool when people come in and like, they really enjoy the paintings and enjoy the energy that they bring to a space, so it’s been a journey,” said Sampson with a laugh.

According to Sampson, once the artwork’s time at the MacRostie Art Center ends, it will be moved to a gallery in the Twin Cities.

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