Sep 13, 2021 | By: Dennis Weimann

In Business: The U.G.L.Y. Cheesecake Co. Grows From One Wrong Delivery

We all know the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But what happens when life gives you….cream cheese? In this week’s In Business, one order of cream cheese, gone bad, turned a barbecue joint into a cheesecake company.

Owners of Jr’s No. 19 BBQ were in their 5th year of catering in Brainerd when one wrong delivery changed the course of their business. They got a case of cream cheese instead of a brick of cream cheese, so they made a cheesecake. It was both a hit and filled a need, as they were looking for a dessert to serve. The cake was delicious, but it looked like it was cooked by barbeque guys – which helped bring the company’s name to life.

Now, products from The U.G.L.Y. Cheesecake Co. are in demand, with 30 to 40 restaurants in the Lakeland viewing area serving the desserts.

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