Nov 15, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad
In Business: AirCorps Aviation Restores and Rebuilds Pieces of the Past
With Veterans Day recognized this past Friday, one local business is looking to continue honoring both veterans and the history they made.
AirCorps Aviation in Bemidji looks to remember the past and even preserve it. This past Friday, they continued their work by hosting a Veterans Day event, where they displayed restored and rebuilt aircraft from World War II.
In order to do this, an important step is to learn from history by utilizing actual blueprints or instructions from the time period. For each piece, AirCorps Aviation uses its online data library to access this knowledge and apply it to their recreations.
While these restoration projects may take years to complete, the final product recognizes not only the work put into restoring planes, but also those who once flew them.
The Veterans Day event also had a speaker and presentation about the aircraft that AirCorps Aviation works on.
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