Aug 12, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz

Highway 10 Detour In Wadena Begins August 19th

According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, beginning on August 19th, motorists who travel both directions of Highway 10 in east Wadena should plan for delays as the road will close. A detour will be made for two months between Wadena County Road 4/Sunny Brook Road and Harry Rich Drive.

The detour is necessary to reconstruct the road and replace drainage structures beneath Highway 10 near Union Creek. Highway 10 is expected to be closed through mid-October; travelers are to follow detour signs along Wadena County Road 4 and Harry Rich Drive.

The work is part of a larger two-year $12.4 million project to reconstruct and improve Highway 10 through the city of Wadena. Most of the mainline construction between Third Street W and County Road 4 will be done in 2020.

The public is invited to attend an informational construction open house for 2020 roadwork through Wadena between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019 at the Maslowski Wellness and Research Community Center, 17 5th Street SW, Wadena.

A detour map of Highway 10 is available here:

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