Aug 2, 2024 | By: Miles Walker
Hackensack Installs New Welcome Sign as Part of Revitalization Plan
Hackensack residents and others passing through the town will now be greeted by a new welcome sign.
The new sign was installed after the city council noticed the previous one, which was over 20 years ago, clearly showed wear and tear.
The inspiration behind the new sign’s design came from a branding committee with an organization called Game Changers and is intended to highlight local nature, the sunset, and the statue of Lucette, Paul Bunyan’s sweetheart.
The new sign was installed in late April as part of a city-wide plan to revitalize the area. Other Hackensack projects on deck include revamping the sports courts outside City Hall, adding decorative lighting along Highway 371, and resurfacing the highway between County Roads 40 and 5.