Apr 28, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad

Gravel Roads in Beltrami Co. Will Take Time to Repair

Roads across Beltrami County are being damaged from flooding this spring. Work to repair gravel roads is slow but steady, and it looks as if it will take a few weeks until maintenance crews can regularly blade the gravel.

According to a press release sent out last Thursday, due to the rain, melting snow and frost, and emerging moistures, not much can be done to conduct maintenance on the gravel roads in Beltrami County. If graded now, this process would cause more problems rather than solutions by creating a soft, sloppy mess with bigger potholes on the gravel roads.

The Beltrami County Highway Department will take the next few weeks to blade the gravel roads. For now, officials recommend that motorists drive slowly on gravel to avoid creating more potholes or sustain any damage to their car.

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