Feb 3, 2022 | By: Emma Hudziak
Golden Apple: Up North Learning Center in Walker Helps Kids with Specific Needs
The city of Walker welcomed the new Up North Learning Center back in September of this year to provide programs for children with specific learning needs.
In August of 2020, Walker-Hackensack-Akeley Public Schools broke ground on a 17,000-square foot, level 4 facility on 9.4 acres of land. The learning center did not officially open until September 15, 2021.
The learning center has six classrooms, and currently the center serves students that have been identified with special education needs. For instance, there are classrooms for children with autism and emotional behavioral disorders. The center also holds multiple reflection rooms, a playground, and a multipurpose room where children can eat breakfast, lunch, and even participate in some fun learning activities.
The proceeds to build this facility was a generous donation from Sourcewell to the Walker-Hackensack-Akeley district. The $5.2 million gift covered the entire cost of the project. This center is designated as its own district within the state of Minnesota.
Special Education teacher Nabiel Kanani says that anytime your working with students, it’s important to get to know them. It’s ultimately about building that relationship with the student so that they know they’re cared for.