Sep 19, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS
Golden Apple: BHS students learn about personal finance
Learning how to plan their financial future. A local credit union helps Brainerd High School students learn every week about their personal finances.
The students are learning what a credit score is and does, the importance of needs verses wants, how to apply for a loan or lease on a car or home and the satisfaction of saving.
The kids say playing little games like the one with these pennies is a fun way to learn about budgeting for next year in college and in the real world.
The class is helping the students prepare for life on their own. They play little savings games and create future scenarios like life with a roommate and what happens if you lose your job to prepare them for next year’s college life.
Carlson helps teach students learn about personal finance in six different school districts. Brainerd High School’s personal finance class has been taught for almost ten years, even before it was a state requirement, to make sure their students graduate on the right financial foot.
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