Dec 6, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Former Hubbard Co. Commissioner, School Bus Driver Faces New Criminal Sexual Conduct Charges

Daniel Stacey

A former Nevis school bus driver and former Hubbard County Commissioner who was charged with felony criminal sexual conduct with a minor last April is now facing nine new criminal sexual conduct charges. The new charges are unrelated to the April case.

59-year-old Daniel Joseph Stacey of Akeley is charged with:

  • Four counts of Attempted Criminal Sexual Conduct in the Second Degree
  • One count of Criminal Sexual Predatory Conduct
  • Four counts of Solicit Child to Engage in Sexual Conduct-Prohibited Act

According to the criminal complaint in the case, a victim who was between the ages of 13 and 14 at the time of the allegations told investigators that Stacey tried to watch pornography with them, grabbed the victim in the genital area over their clothes, exposed his genitals to the victim, and tried to get the victim to touch his genitals. According to court records, the incidents happened numerous times at Stacey’s home and in the back bedroom of a motor home.

Stacey is scheduled to make his first court appearance on these charges on Jan. 17 of next year.

The earlier charge in April accuses Stacey of criminal sexual conduct with a 13-year-old boy. His next court appearance on that charge is also set for Jan. 17.

Stacey was elected as Hubbard County Commissioner in 2012 and began serving in 2013 until his resignation on Feb. 1, 2023. Stacey also has a history as a D.A.R.E. officer and as a volunteer with a Boy Scout troop.

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