May 30, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Forestview Middle School runs for fun

On your mark get set (go). Forestview Middle School held their first annual fun run around their campus. The two-mile fun run was to encourage their students to get outside and run more.
Event coordinator and 5th-7th grade physical education teacher, Mary Linder, says, “One of the neater things about doing this is to promote lifetime fitness. Because this is something kids can do for the rest of their lives. Just grab a pair of tennis shoes and go out the door and just to promote fitness.”
Fun Run winner Denny Busby (12:44), Forestview Middle School 7th grader, says, “Maybe the people will run a little and do stuff outside than sit on their couches.”
The run challenged the students to give it their best, overcome the heat and have fun racing against their classmates.
Leah Brown, Forestview Middle School 5th-6th grade physical education teacher, says, “Yeah I think they did awesome. They had their reservations and hesitations at the beginning, but once they got out here they were excited and I think they’re all going to have good things to say about it when we get back inside.”
7th grade second place finisher, Kealy Johnson (15:28) says, “It was hard, but after you finish you feel really good. So I guess that it’s an after fun run instead of a during fun run. And it was really hot. But most of all I enjoyed running in it.”
And Miss Brown is at the home stretch encouraging the runners for that final push.
Brown says, “Well I think that in the runs I’ve done in the past I know it’s super important at the end line when you feel like you want to give up a little bi. But yeah that encouragement gives you that energy to push it out and to finish strong.”
Johnson says, “I was like I’m so close I can do this. And the whole time running through my head was just ‘I can do this. You’re almost there. You got this.’”
For Busby, the 7th grader who beat all the 8th graders, it was a feeling like no other.
Busby says, “It’s like maybe a dream come true. Maybe when you’ve been training you actually beat the person not get second. You push yourself to the limits.”
Linder says she hopes this catches on and they can do this again every year.

The winners were:
Sixth grade:
1. Taylor Heurung 13:51
2. Tayden Holden 14:02
3. Peyten Henkensiefkn 14:03

1. Isabel Nelson 15:10
2. Lindsey Both 15:46
3. Miriam Schmitz 15:52

Seventh grade:
1. Denny Busby 12:44
2. Bryce Dusbabek 13:59
3. Ben Renner 14:10

1. Grace Erholtz 15:20
2. Kealy Johnson 15:28
3. Amanda Unger 16:17

Eighth Grade:
1. Jack Evans 13:01
2. David Kelm 13:13
3. Matt Fischer 13:19

1. Molly Silisker 14:30
2. Lizzy Stokes 14:45
3. Tarrin Skinner 15:30

Over All Winners:
Denny Busby 12:44
Girl: Molly Selisker 14:30

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