Jun 12, 2018 | By: Anthony Scott

Floating Bog Forces Summer Camp to Close

The bog on North Long Lake in Legionville has caused problems for months now as crews continuously try to work to move it. With the Legionville Safety Summer Camp approaching, time is of the essence.

Sunday proved to be the first sign of success. The Minnesota DNR worked with the Lakes Association and the American Legion to help move the middle section of the three-football-field sized piece of land.

Volunteers with boats on the lake joined in on the effort as well, strapping their watercrafts to the bog to try and pull it out of the way. The bog was so heavy that it needed to be cut into several smaller pieces to get it to move. Eventually, they were able to transport the center section away from the camp.

Only the center section of the bog was moved, though, causing the summer camp to be canceled this year. Many camp activities take place in the water, and organizers knew the bog would not be moved in time.

Nearly 600 kids were scheduled to attend this year, but families and organizations who paid for children to attend are expected to get full refunds.

Safety was the major concern over why the camp needed to be closed. Crews will try to move the rest of the bog in the coming weeks.

The Legionville camp plans to make improvements over the summer, and the age restriction will be extended to fourteen years old for next season. This is the first time Legionville Safety Summer Camp has closed since World War II.

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