May 17, 2024 | By: Lakeland News

Firefighters Battling Wildfire in Superior National Forest

Superior National Forest Fry Wildfire Resize

Fry Fire at Superior National Forest (Credit: U.S. Forest Service)

Firefighters were at Superior National Forest on Thursday battling a wildfire.

The “Fry Fire” was 209 acres in size on Thursday afternoon and was 75% contained at that time. The fire is located near Fish Fry Lake just west of the city of Isabella.

U.S. Forest Service officials say the “Fry Fire” was declared a wildfire Wednesday afternoon. They say a spot fire started within a prescribed burn area and went beyond the planned burn area.

Water-dropping aircraft were called in Wednesday afternoon to suppress the fire and were effective in slowing the immediate fire spread. Cloud cover moved over the fire area later in the afternoon and humidity levels increased, which helped ease fire activity.

Ground crews were able to engage on the fire in the evening and worked late into the night.

Light rain fell over the fire area Thursday, where crews and engines returned that morning and were engaging to secure the fire edge.

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