May 3, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Finalists for 2023 Great American Think-Off Announced

Four finalists have been chosen for the 30th annual Great American Think-Off in New York Mills. This year’s question is, “Which is more important to protect: the environment or the economy?”

Two finalists, Gretchen Mayer of Mansfield, SD and Douglas McClain of Fergus Falls, MN, will argue that the environment is more important to protect. Mayer is a retired journalist and McClain is a wildlife biologist.

Two other finalists, Allen Taylor of Colorado Springs, CO and Timur Usenov of Maple Grove, MN, will argue that protecting the economy is more important. Taylor is a professional photographer and long-haul truck driver, and Usenov is a senior in high school and plans to attend the University of Minnesota.

The debate among the four will take place on Saturday, June 10th at 7 p.m.

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