May 1, 2017 | By: Clayton Castle
Drug Bust In Baxter Leads To Arrest
A 20-year-old man is in jail facing felony drug charges after a search warrant was executed on Monday morning in Baxter.
Adam Joseph Heisick, 20, of Baxter, was arrested and was charged with a felony after Lakes Area Drug Investigative Division executed a search warrant at a residence in the 7400 block of Novotney Rd. in Baxter.
The LADID seized over one pound of marijuana wax or “Shatter.” Close to $22,000 dollars worth of drugs were seized in the sting.
In addition to drugs, about $900 were also confiscated.
“This is a very good arrest by the LADID,” Crow Wing County Sheriff Dahl said in a statement. “The amount of marijuana wax thst was seized is way over user amounts. This individual is in the business of selling narcotics.”