Jul 1, 2016 | By: Jackson Brunner

DPS Video: Fireworks Blast Survivor Tells Story

A man who nearly died while using illegal fireworks at a party in Linwood Township, Minn., shared his story publicly for the first time in hopes it will prevent others from the same painful and life-changing experience.

Nick Beheng blew a hole in his chest, damaging vital organs, and tore off part of his thumb in 2012 while using mortar shells he bought in Wisconsin.

Beheng joined Minnesota Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division and Regions Hospital officials at a media availability to encourage safety with fireworks as we gear up for the long Fourth of July holiday weekend.

Fireworks injured 89 people in Minnesota in 2015, 32 of whom were under the age of 19. That’s the highest number of injuries since 2003. Minnesota also had its first-ever fireworks-related fatality in 2015. Fireworks caused nearly $85,000 in property damage last year.

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