Mar 9, 2018 | By: Clayton Castle

DNR Fisheries Seeks Comments On Brainerd Area Lake Management Plans

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Brainerd area fisheries is seeking comments through Friday, March 30 on management plans for a number of Crow Wing County lakes.

Management plans describe the past, present and desired future conditions of the fishery and identify specific management activities planned for that lake or stream in the next five to 20 years. This is an opportunity for anglers and others interested to provide input on how these lakes are managed.

Every year DNR fisheries staff prepares or revises individual lake management plans for several waters in each management area. In the Brainerd area, plans for the following lakes in Crow Wing County will be reviewed:

  • Bass (18-256).
  • Black (18-59).
  • Clinker (18-131).
  • Erskine (18-9).
  • Little Black Hoof (18-118).
  • Little Rabbit (18-139).
  • Mahnomen (18-440).
  • Pennington (18-439).
  • Sagamore (18-523).

Current plans for lakes and streams in the area, as well as recent fish population assessment information are available for review at the DNR’s Brainerd area fisheries office, located at 1601 Minnesota Drive, Brainerd, between 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Individuals also may call 218-203-4301 or email [email protected] to request a copy of a plan or submit written comments on a plan.

Public comments on this management plan are due by Friday, March 30. Comments and suggestions on other streams and lakes in the area are welcomed at any time, and will be considered when those plans are due for review.

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