Jun 10, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Darrell Seki Sr. Sworn In as New Red Lake Chairman

The Red Lake Nation celebrated the inauguration of a new chairman today as Darrell Seki Sr. was officially sworn in to office. Today, Darrell Seki Sr. addressed the crowd of hundreds for the first time as the new chairman of Red Lake.

Red Lake royalty, state lawmakers, and community members attended the ceremony to show their support as partners of Red Lake. State Representative Roger Erickson said, “As soon as I found out he was elected I set up an appointment to meet with him.” Erickson continued, “It seems like they’re transitioning positively with the new administration, so I think there will be good things.”

Chairman Seki says he hopes to focus on traditional values and that he is very proud of his heritage and the Ojibwe language. Seki also says he’s excited to begin a new chapter bettering the Red Lake Nation and believes the key to that success is economic development.

And even though Seki admits it will take time to accomplish these goals, he says it’s possible with a little bit of teamwork. “It will take working together with all tribal council members and you as Red Lake Nation members,” Seki said. So that moving forward, the future of Red Lake Nation is bright.


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