Nov 27, 2019 | By: Destiny Wiggins

Crow Wing County Road 115 Soil Borings Can Cause Potential Delays For Drivers

Soil data collection will occur the week of December 2, 2019 as part of the on-going roadway design for future improvement projects on County Road 115. It is anticipated that personnel with a soil boring truck will be on site the entire week, completing operations on December 6, 2019.

Soil boring is a technique used to survey soil by taking several shallow cores out of the sediment. It is used when a drilling jacket or jack-up rig is to be supported on the soil.

The work will be performed within the existing right-of-way of CR 115. When operations are taking place within the traveled portion of the roadway, traffic will be controlled with flaggers and signs. Please use caution when driving through the work zones and be prepared to stop.

You can visit the Crow Wing County website or call the County Highway Department at (218) 824-1110 for additional information on the project or to ask questions. The progress can potentially be delayed by unforeseen weather events.

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