Jul 15, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson
Crosslake Community School Seeking Volunteers To Help Build New Playground
A new playground is in the works at the Crosslake Community School, a charter public school in downtown Crosslake.
“Kids need brain breaks and then just overall, that physical opportunity to move, I think, is really important,” said Todd Lyscio, Crosslake Community School Executive Director.
In September of 2018, the school moved into a brand new building located off of County Road 66 in Crosslake but waited to install playground equipment to secure fundraising and develop a plan for the space.
“Throughout the course of this last year, we’ve had the opportunity to look at different design features and things like that and some cost. Then we did some pretty aggressive fundraising this spring,” Lyscio explained.
The new playground will be split into two separate play areas.
“What we’re really trying to get at is large motor development, coordination of movement,” added Lyscio. “And then also the ability to have a bunch of kids in an area at the same time.”
Everyone at the school is looking forward to the new playground, especially the students.
“We’re really excited because when the kids come into school in the fall there’s going to be a beautiful new playground setting for them and we think it’s going to add a lot to their educational experience,” Lyscio said. “So we’re very happy to see it come to reality.”
In order to defray costs, the school is looking for volunteers with construction background to help build the playground. If anyone would like more information or to donate to the playground, they are asked to contact the Crosslake Community School.
The build of the playground is scheduled for the first week in August and is planned to take two to three days.