Jul 10, 2024 | By: Lakeland News

Crookston Officer Who Shot, Killed Man Last Week Also Involved in May Shooting

The Crookston police officer identified yesterday by the BCA as the officer who shot and killed a man at a homeless shelter in Crookston last week is the same officer who fatally shot a man wielding a hatchet in May.

The shootings happened 45 days apart.

31-year-old Nick Fladland is on critical leave as the BCA is investigating the June 30th shooting at the Care and Share shelter. According to the BCA, Fladland first deployed his taser before fatally shooting 44-year-old Christopher Junkin.

Fladland also shot and killed Andrew Dale on May 16th when police officials say Dale rapidly approached officers with a hatchet. Fladland was place on critical leave after that incident as well, but it’s unclear how long he remained off the job.

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