Jan 27, 2021 | By: Destiny Wiggins

COVID-19 Vaccine Only Available to Eligible Priority Groups in Wadena Co.

COVID-19 vaccines are still unavailable to the general public in Wadena. Tri-County Health Care is still in the process of vaccinating front line workers and medical staff within the priority groups.

According to a release from Tri-County Health Care, people have been asking about vaccine registration at the Maslowski Wellness & Research Center, and the center does not take vaccine registrations, so the county is asking people to not call. Registrations must only be made by contacting Wadena County Public Health only when your priority group is eligible for a vaccine.

Wadena County Public Health is currently vaccinating individuals who live or work in the county that are 65 and older, with priority given to those 75 and older. You can visit the county’s Facebook page and website for updates on eligibility.

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