Jun 2, 2017 | By: Josh Peterson

Court Denies Motion to Suppress Evidence In The Death Of A Hibbing Man

Joseph Christen Thoresen

Kayleen Danielle Greniger

A motion filed to dismiss an indictment and to suppress evidence in the murder of a Hibbing man has been denied in Itasca County Court.

Joseph Christen Thoresen, 35, and his girl friend Kayleen Danielle Greniger, 22, of Grand Rapids were charged with two counts of murder in both the first and second degrees.

The indictments are based on the allegations that Thoresen and Greniger assaulted David Haiman, 20, of Hibbing at their apartment, kidnapped, and assaulted Haiman with a baseball bat, knives and a machete which lead to Haiman’s death.

Greniger previously entered a guilty plea to one count of Murder in the Second Degree and is awaiting a sentencing hearing.

Thoresen’s next court appearance is scheduled for July 11 with a trial date set to begin August 14.

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