Mar 20, 2017 | By: Haydee Clotter

Community Spotlight: Christian Women’s Luncheon Connects Women Through Ministry

A room full of about 30 women from all walks of life has one thing in common their Christianity. The Bemidji Christian Women’s club has been around for about 35 years and Donna Vincent has been involved for 20 years.

“It gives women an opportunity to get together and have a lunch and get community information,” said Stonecroft Regional Representative Donna Vincent.

The Christian Women’s Luncheon took place the Bemidji Eagles Club. Women enjoyed a light lunch and heard from husband and wife Scott and Astrid Gottschalk. The couple shared their story about their trip to the Holy Land in Jordan and Israel.

“To live out some of the stories of scripture when we were children and in Sunday school and going to our own churches to be able to witness that, experience that together was very good for us,” said Scott Gottschalk, speaker and author.

Astrid works as a dairy farmer and Scott as an author and speaker. Gottschalk says he got to walk the journey of the Bible while on the 16-day trip.

“Do what we want to do, see and witness and experience this world and have some faith that you’re going to be ok.

The luncheon allows women to learn about themselves and what’s taught in the Bible.

“God is with them wherever they go and whatever they do,” said Vincent.

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