May 21, 2020 | By: Lakeland News
Churches Respond to Gov. Walz Not Relaxing Guidelines
It didn’t take long for some church leaders to respond to the Governor not relaxing guidelines for churches.
On Wednesday evening, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, representing all of the state’s bishops, announced their disappointment in the Governor’s actions and stated public mass at Catholic churches in the state can resume on Tuesday, May 26th. The letter said they have attempted to work collaboratively with the Walz administration up to this time.
Under the new church guidelines, parishes will not be required to hold mass and parishioners will not be obligated to attend. Parishes will have to follow strict protocols for sanitation and social distancing and will have to limit attendance to one-third of seating capacity of the church.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod also announced it is resuming services under the same protocols beginning May 26th.