Jun 28, 2024 | By: Lakeland News

Cass County Sheriff’s Office Revising Slow Wake Suggestion

With the busy boating season quickly approaching, Cass County Sheriff Bryan Welk reports that his office is revising its suggested Slow Wake on Cass County lakes, rivers, and waterways to 200 feet from shorelines, in channels, and entering bays.

The change is due to unusually high water levels from recent rainfall events. While some lakes have seen relief from high water, there are still several areas that are experiencing high water levels.

This suggested No Wake Advisory is in effect to help protect sensitive shorelines, private property, docks, and other water structures.

The Sheriff’s Office asks that boaters exercise restraint, good judgment, common sense and courtesy while operating on area lakes, especially those experiencing high water.

Boat operators should reduce their speed while travelling in these sensitive areas and while operating in close to shore areas and channel ways.

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