Oct 25, 2022 | By: Lakeland News

Burglary at Morrison County Bar and Grill Under Investigation

The Morrison County Sheriff’s Office is investigating another burglary in the county.

Sometime overnight on Oct. 23, a suspect or suspects entered the Stone Hill Bar & Grill near Randall through a door on the back side of the bar and stole the business’s safe, cash from the pull tab machine, and a small toolbox.

Sheriff Shawn Larson says in the past week, his office has seen an increase in thefts around the Upsala and Royalton areas, and he’s asking residents to lock up vehicles and property and to keep valuables out of plain sight.

Anyone with any information on the Stone Hill burglary or any recent thefts should call the Morrison County Sheriff’s Office at 320-632-9233.

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