Jul 16, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson

Brainerd’s Insight Program Hosts First Ever “Prom”

A special night out was held at Cragun’s Resort in Brainerd last night. The Insight program has been hosting dances for adults with disabilities for years, but this time they did something a little different.

Insight is a program offered through Brainerd Public Schools Community Education that provides social activities and classes customized for adults with special needs.

“Individuals with disabilities often times have a harder time just finding their own social opportunities. Just giving them a place to be, meet friends with similar interests and backgrounds,” said Insight program coordinator Amynda Hadfield.

The Insight Program has been putting on dances for the last 17 years, but this was their first “prom.”

“We were really excited and a little bit nervous because we didn’t know really what to expect. The grand march that we did tonight, we have never done that before,” said DJ Tami Lu Smith. “So I’m glad that went off pretty much without a hitch.”

The dance was a huge hit and for some, it was their first time being able to go to prom.

“Some people have said it’s really special, they’ve never been to a prom before. They’re really happy to be here and be a part of it,” added Hadfield.

Tami Lu has been DJing the Insight dances for the last 17 years and she says it is just as rewarding for her as it is for the dance goers.

“This is my favorite of all dances that I do. I specialize in weddings. I love my weddings, but I would never give up doing dances with this group,” said Smith.

The main goal of the Insight Program and their first ever prom is to offer fun opportunities for everyone in the community, no matter their background.

“They’re people, too, and they want to do everything that we get to do. It’s at their level with other people that they’re friends with and work with,” said Insight Program volunteer Jodie Biendara.

“This community, all they want is to be loved and respected like all the rest of us and they know how to have fun,” said Smith. “We all want to be respected and we all want to be loved. It is as simple as that.”

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