Mar 4, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Brainerd Residents Learn About Ramadan, MN’s Muslim Community at CLC Cultural Thursday Event

People in Brainerd were able to learn more about Ramadan and the cultural observances of Minnesota’s Muslim community recently as part of CLC’s regular Cultural Thursday series.

John Emery of the Islamic Resource Group spoke about how Muslims organize their lives during the month of Ramadan, which this year starts on March 23rd and ends on April 20th. The intent of this and similar talks is to showcase cultures that some may not otherwise see.

“The more informed we are about the diversity of our planet, the better equipped we are to have conversations, cultural conversations, about key or timely events such as Ramadan,” said CLC instructor and Cultural Thursday coordinator Jason Edens.

“The key to a better future for all of us and our children is an understanding of each other’s cultures and religious traditions,” said Emery. “Ramadan is a time when Muslims reach out to their local communities, invite people into their mosques to share a breaking fast event in the evenings, so one of my favorite things to do during this time is extend that invitation.”

CLC hosts their Cultural Thursday events on the first Thursday of each month during the academic year.

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