Nov 8, 2024 | By: Miles Walker

Brainerd High School Students Opposed to Potential Cell Phone Ban

Brainerd High School students expressed opposition regarding incoming changes to the school’s cell phone policy during a school board meeting.

Principal Andrea Rusk surveyed the students about keeping the current policy, which says devices shall be silenced and kept out of sight during class but can be used at other times, or prohibiting cell phone use during school hours. 98.7% percent of students sided towards leaving the policy as is.

Students noted that the policy has been followed better so far this year with teachers exhibiting more enforcement. They feel the ban could take away from their collective independence and freedom, while potentially pushing more students to explore online courses.

“I think it’s really important that our school board hear from our students, from any grade,” said Rusk. “In this particular case, it will help them make their decision knowing that the students support the current policy, and that hopefully that will weigh in their decision making for their decision to create policy moving forward.”

School Board Chair Kevin Boyles stated that the board plans to discuss the matter further this month and decide what the next steps are regarding the policy. The school also plans on surveying parents, guardians, and school staff on cell phone use.

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