Mar 28, 2022 | By: Ryan Bowler

Brainerd High School Packs 30,000 Meals For Ukraine Relief Efforts

On Friday at Brainerd High School, The Outreach Program of Brainerd Lakes set up an opportunity for students to make a difference in the world by packing approximately 30,000 meals to help aid in the Ukraine relief effort.

Students of all grades were able to sign up for one of five packing groups throughout the day. This was a completely voluntary experience for students to help end hunger and enrich lives.

The Outreach Program came in and set up two assembly lines, one for each type of meal: cheesy rice, and rice and beans. Students wore gloves, hairnets, and aprons and were able to pack over 5,000 meals per packing group.

Although this event is designed to help aid relief efforts in Ukraine, packing these meals is a win-win. Not only are students doing something good for people in need, they’re also hopefully doing something to help benefit them as people.

Approximately 30,000 meals were packed within five hours thanks to the commitment of the Brainerd student body.

Anyone interested in showing their support can visit The Outreach Program’s website.

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