Feb 23, 2023 | By: Hanky Hazelton

Brainerd Declares Snow Emergency & Snow Removal for Thursday Morning

With a winter storm on the way, the city of Brainerd is declaring a snow emergency starting Thursday morning.

To keep individuals safe, all roads and sidewalks need to be cleared of snow. Plowing will begin at 4:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 23rd. There will be no parking on the following streets:

  • All snow emergency routes

On Friday, February 24th, the first day of parking restrictions, no parking will be allowed on:

  • All snow emergency routes
  • All north-south streets or streets that generally run north-south
  • All streets west of the Mississippi River
  • All streets south of Wright Street

There will also be parking restrictions on Saturday, February 25th with no parking on the following streets:

  • All snow emergency routes
  • All east-west streets or streets that generally run east-west

Cars parked on Snow Emergency Routes will be ticketed and towed immediately. Parking is banned on all other city streets the day they are scheduled to be plowed until they have been plowed from curb to curb.

All vehicles plowed around will be issued a $25.00 parking citation. Vehicles that are not moved within 48 hours of being plowed around will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Please visit the City of Brainerd’s website see maps for Parking Restrictions when a Snow Emergency is declared.

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