Feb 21, 2018 | By: Josh Peterson

Bemidji Welcomes U18 Curlers For Championships

In a city that is known as the curling capitol of the United States, the Bemidji Curling Club felt it was only fitting that the city host the U18 National Curling Championships. Teams from coast to coast came to compete in Bemidji from Maryland, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and all over the county. With the event only in its second year, it’s crucial for organizers that the tournament is an overall success.

For a city that was proclaimed as the curling capitol of the United States, hosting the U18 Nationals is a pretty big deal.

Bemidji added its own touch to the event by having an opening ceremony and banquet so that all the teams could connect. Coaches see the youth curling tournament as a way to inspire and grow the sport.

Since the addition of curling to the Winter Olympics, the sport has seen continuous growth, and with tournaments like the U18, the future is bright.

After a warm greeting from Bemidji’s mayor, and a note of encouragement from Olympic curling medalists, the U18 will offically sweep its way into the record books beginning Thursday.

Teams will hold final practices tomorrow morning with pool play beginning at noon.

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