Sep 21, 2022 | By: Justin Othoudt

Bemidji United Way Celebrates “Live United Day” to Start Annual Campaign

For the past 36 years, United Way of Bemidji Area has worked to better the Bemidji community by focusing on basic everyday needs. With Wednesday being declared “Live United Day” and acting as the start of their annual fundraising campaign, they figured, what better way to kick off the season than with one of their most important projects: Backpack Buddies.

Backpack Buddies is a program which provides essential items, such as food, to students in need. United Way staff and community volunteers stopped by Lueken’s Village Foods North in Bemidji to help pack these meals for students who may need them.

This year, United Way’s fundraising goal is $675,000, $254,000 of which is already being donated by local businesses in the area. Should the non-profit meet their goal, there’s no telling how much the organization can do for the community.

The United Way Campaign for the Community will run through October 31st, 2022. If you would like more information about the organization, events they will be holding, or about the campaign itself, you can visit their website.

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