Jul 9, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Bemidji School Board Might Postpone November Vote

After more than two hours of discussion at their last meeting, the Bemidji School Board hit a roadblock. The board has been gathering input from the community about future indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, but the project has grown beyond it’s November goal. Board Member John Pugleasa said, “I’ve been quoted as pretty disappointed. I think the needs of our students in elementary schools in particular is pretty distinct.”

Board members hoped there would be a voter referendum this Fall to address the issues of elementary classroom space and aging air conditioning and heating units at Bemidji Middle School. “We’re a growing regional center, and that is a good thing,” said Pugleasa. “But they pose certain challenges and we’re experiencing some of those challenges in our elementary schools.”

Monday’s meeting left some board members wondering where they got off track, but they still have hope for a November vote. The School Board will have a meeting on Monday to revisit the issue and decided if a November vote is still possible.


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