Sep 20, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab

Bemidji Marches To Demand Action On Climate Change

Students, faculty and staff from Bemidji State University, as well as community members, took to the streets Friday to protest against inaction on climate change as part of the Global Climate Strike.

Over 100 demonstrators marched from BSU’s Hobson Memorial Union to Paul and Babe, where they heard from Bemidji City Council member Emelie Rivera about the concerns for local and global climate change. She spoke about some of the initiatives that city council is working on and how everyone needs to do their part when it comes to the environment. The march was organized by BSU’s Students for the Environment and the Bemidji Citizens’ Climate Lobby, who were inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg.

“I’m proud to know that I’m marching with people across the globe. Today, we’re all standing together and it makes us so much stronger and it makes our voices louder,” said BSU student Anna Haynes.

“Even our industry from our forestry, it’s all tied in to the climate, a lot of the economy of this community. The health of this community, the walkability, the availability of parks and wooded area and shade is all dependent on what happens with our climate,” said Rivera, who represents Ward 4 in Bemidji.

Millions around the world took part in the Global Climate Strike.

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