Jul 22, 2019 | By: Shirelle Moore

Bemidji Corvette Show & Shine Features 24 Classic Cars

Corvettes of all shapes and colors stretched around the corner of Dondelinger Chevrolet in Bemidji.

The 2nd annual Corvette Show and Shine featured 24 different cars spanning models from as early as the ’50s to present day. The cars were all brought in from local Corvette owners who live all across the Bemidji area. One owner even made the journey from Sioux Falls, SD just to be a part of the show. Organizers say they had a steady turnout of car admirers throughout the day.

Dr. Jim Hess, the Corvette Show & Shine organizer, says, “We’ve had a lot of people coming and going. Talking about the cars, asking questions about the cars, reminiscing about the cars. It’s been just a great day and we’ve had a wonderful cooperation from the weather.”

The Corvette show will return next year on July 18th.

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