Jul 19, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab

Bemidji Corvette Show and Shine Drives In This Weekend

The Bemidji Corvette Show and Shine is making its way to the Dondelinger Chevrolet dealership on Saturday.

Car enthusiasts can check out different generations of Corvettes starting from the 1950s. People can also bring their own Corvette to showcase at the event.

Organizers encourage people to bring in their new or vintage Corvettes and talk about them. Last year, over 30 Corvettes were on display.

“Just to enjoy the cars and enjoy each other and continue the appreciation of the Corvette sports car,” said Jim Hess, an organizer for Corvette Show and Shine.

“We’re hoping the weather will decent which is really the critical point for us. And I think it will be very enjoyable for both the exhibitor and the spectator,” Corvette Show and Shine Organizer Lloyd Holy said.

The event starts at 10 a.m. and is free to the public. People can expect to see C1 through C7 Corvettes on display.

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