Jun 20, 2016 | By: Chelsie Brown

Beltrami County Tightens up Enforcement of Operation Dry Water

Before the July 4th holiday, law enforcement officials plan to strengthen efforts as part of a national movement on boating under the influence.

The Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office will take part in the Operation Dry Water campaign showing zero tolerance for boating under the influence.

Betweeen June 24th-26th boaters can expect and increase of officers at boating checkpoints and on the water. The goal is to remove impaired operators from the water which is the leading contributing factor in recreational boating deaths in the U.S.

Beltrami County Sheriff Chief Deputy Ernie Beitel released in a statement, “We know there will be a lot of boaters out enjoying the warmer weather and we want boaters to know we will be out making sure the water stays safe for them to enjoy,” Beitel said. “Just as drinking and driving on the road is illegal and dangerous, we want to emphasize that drinking and boating is equally as dangerous and can lead to equal consequences as well, including arrests, serious injuries and even death.”

In Minnesota, operating a vessel with a blood alcohol concentration level of .08 or higher is illegal. Anyone found impaired and operating a boat will be arrested.

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