Apr 2, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab
Beltrami County Commissioners To Send A Letter To Gov. Walz About Financial Crisis
Beltrami County Commissioners recently signed a letter that will be sent to Governor Walz. The letter asks that he provide solid support that will help the county get out of its financial crisis that has been building up for years due to out-of-home placement. The letter also asks for a sit-down with influential leaders to explain to them how serious the problem is.
“It’s asking the legislature to more than strongly consider giving us ample funding so we aren’t in the terrible financial straits that we are going to find ourselves in in the very near future if we don’t get more relief,” Beltrami County Administrator Kay Mack said.
During the last Beltrami County Board meeting, commissioners had a financial analysis done with a third party CPA firm. The analysis confirmed that the county will be facing a fiscal cliff if they don’t get financial relief.
“In April of 2020 – so that’s one year away – we’re going to have some extreme cash flow challenges to meet payroll and the normal things we need to operate, so we’re looking very drastically at some legislature relief,“ Mack said.