Apr 19, 2019 | By: Anthony Scott
Baxter Family “Eggs Houses” To Raise Money For International Adoption
For some people, adoption is the only choice they have if they want a child. For others, it’s a decision they make to try and better a child’s life. Either way, adoption is an expensive adventure. One family in Baxter is trying to raise money this Easter to help bring a child into their life from India.
Caleb and Allison Gildner are set to adopt a six-month-old girl from India later this year, and they could not be more excited. However adoption, especially international adoption, can be very costly because of travel expenses, immigration fees, and other legal costs.
But the joy of having a child outweighs the expenses of adoption for the Gildners.
To help with the expenses, the Gildners started a GoFundMe, had garage sales, sold T-shirts, and now it’s time for their newest adventure…egging people’s homes.
The way it works is families purchase either 25, 50, or 100 Easter eggs, and the GIldners are responsible for filling the eggs with candy and hiding them outside the house for their children to find on Easter morning.
So far, they have raised almost $1,500 dollars from the fundraiser, and in total they’ve raised about half of the nearly $45,000 it will cost to adopt their child.
On the bright side, the Gildners will be pros at hiding Easter eggs, so their daughter should have a lot of fun trying to find them next Easter.
Caleb and Allison Gildner plan to leave for India in September to adopt their daughter, and if you would like to help them on their journey you can donate at http://adopttogether.org/families/?fundraiser=gildner-family-adoption.